Wolfe & Wyman LLP
  Employment Law
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Practice Description

Wolfe & Wyman LLP provides legal advice, guidance, and representation to its corporate and institutional clients in all areas of employment law, including the defense of companies in litigated claims under employment practices liability insurance policies. We regularly appear in Federal and State courts, and before the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, the California Department of Fair Employment and Housing, the California Workers' Compensation Appeals Board, the California Employment Development Department, the California Department of Industrial Relations, and other similar Federal and State government agencies.

We partner closely with clients and their insurance carriers to provide broad, protective counsel that minimizes risk exposure, assures workplace compliance, and maximizes clients' defenses. Our critical risk management solutions allow clients to focus on managing their businesses while we manage the details of their employment problems. For both administrative and litigated matters, we formulate early and creative strategies to resolve disputes efficiently and expeditiously. When early resolution is impossible or impracticable, we try cases.

Wolfe & Wyman LLP provides the following services to its clients:

  • Defense of Federal and State-based wrongful termination, retaliation, harassment, discrimination, wage and hour, whistle blower, defamation, breach of contract, fraudulent inducement, and other similar claims brought by current and former employees;
  • Assistance and guidance with respect to investigations conducted by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission and the California Department of Fair Employment and Housing, including the preparation of position statements, participation in agency-sponsored mediations, preparation of and responses to subpoenas, and participation in fact-finding hearings;
  • Assistance and guidance with respect to harassment and workplace violence investigations;
  • Development and preparation of employee policies and procedures designed to avoid employment claims and litigation;
  • Auditing of application forms, background check authorization forms, offer letters and other pre-employment documents, record keeping practices, and training methodologies, and advice on bettering those practices;
  • Preparation of employment, compensation, severance, confidentiality/non-disclosure, and non-solicitation/non-competition agreements;
  • Preparation and updating of employee handbooks;
  • Day-to-day assistance and guidance with respect to employee hiring, compensation and benefits, discipline, and termination issues, and leaves of absence and accommodation issues under the Family and Medical Leave Act, the California Family Rights Acts, the Americans with Disabilities Act, and other similar Federal and State laws; and
  • In-house training sessions for executives, supervisors, managers, and human resources professionals in various employment law and human resources topics. 

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Business Litigation and Counseling

Construction and Surety

Employment Law

Financial Services Litigation

Insurance Defense

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